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The haptic pleasure

While exploring the environment of Rohan Island and investigating space orientation and space classification through the eyes of architect, urbanist and theorist K. Lynch, I found new ways to embody: paths, districts, edges, nodes and landmarks. I am discovering how the physical mapping of the environment affects my physical and mental experiences. The study The haptic pleasures of ground-feel: The role of textured terrain in motivating regular exercise by Katrina M. Brown from James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, UK shows how terrain influences outdoor physical activities and classifies the experiences that are caused by different surfaces. The study highlights the specificity of terrains that encourages movement by resisting surface inclinations, obstacles, balancing our body's grip with the surface and balancing on uneven surfaces, but we are also activated by the pressure we have to exert and perceive the pressure of the surface on us. I use and explore these qualities of surfaces when exploring the five elements in the environment.

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